
Announcement on Coronavirus • Community News & Events | Noticias Locales | SAT 28 MAR 2020 12:00 AM

The ADI Marbella (Marbella Town Association for those not familiar. Every town has an ADI and if you live in the town more than six months per year you can become associated with the ADI) pleads that all people respect the sanitary / security measures that have been implemented on all Costa Rican beaches and ordered by the President of the Republic. Due to the lack of compliance by some locals and foreigners here in Marbella, the ADI has made the decision to denounce (this means file formal complaints against) any surfers that are found on the beach.

Today we ask for the help of the entire visiting population because the people living in Marbella do not want to be infected by irresponsible people who do not obey the laws of our beautiful country.

Questions contact:
Narciso Gilbert Leiva
President of the ADI Marbella
#cel. 8944 2659.

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